How Makes The Best Energy-Efficien Aluminum Windows?

Certificated Aluminum Windows:
3ecause of the cimatc characteristics ofeach city. iferentSHGCvalwes glazing wilbe used.YIHAI provde ustomized glazing to metyourproect Ourenerveficicntinterated giazingunit IGU feature double pane or triple pane glases,warm edge spaers,argon gas hl Low-E coating, and fulytempered orlaminated glas. No materfornewconstruction orwindow replacement they will meet your request!

Sliding Window

Casement Window

Jalousie Window

Fold Up Window

Double Hung Window

Tilt Turn Window

How Makes The Best Energy-Efficien Aluminum Windows?
A thermal break is simply piece of material positioned withinaluminium frames to minimise heat loss. lt separates the aluminum frameinto two separate interior and exterior sections, combined with lessconductive materials such as polyamide or polyurethane.Thermal breaktechnology create an insulated barrier within the aluminum frame. Thiswill conduct heat, cold and noise a thousand times slower than standardaluminium frame.

1. Powder coat: The mostfrequently appied surface treatmentfor aluminium windows.Duringthe powder coat proces,a free-.flowing dry powder is electrostaticaly applied to adcolor or fnish is then cured via heat reatment or UVlights. The advantages of powder coatingllein the combination matrix of color.function.glos and corrosionproperties. Powder coatingis the easiest wayto get colorful aluminum frames. Any RAL color is avalable and the black aluminum windows is the popular morden aluminum
windows nowsdays.
2.Anodized:0ne of the oldest and more sustainabe surace treatments of aluminlum,tis a procesin whichthe outersuaceofan aluminum orohleisconerted into aluminluoxide,aceramic with unigue properties, which is used to create a permanentnew appearance.With anodizing,the oxide layer on the surface ofthe aluminiumismade during anelectrochemical process, the natural aluminium color can be maintained, but a variety of other colors are also avallable.
3.pVDF coaing: pvDF coating is a resin-based coating with70%fuoropolymer resins,.t protects aluminum products from oxidation and provides aestheticelements
4. Electrophoresis coating: the surface of the profle is combined with anodic oxidation and electrophoresis.



Use The Energy-Efficient Glass:
Glass isthe second factor afecingthe price andthe most impotantfactor affectingtheU yalwe of a complete aluminum window.There are manydiferentypes ofglass. 0ur moscommonly used glasses include Low E glass, double glazed glass, triple glazed glass, laminated glass and reflective glass.

Low E Glass
Laminated Glass
Double Glazed Glass
Triple Glazed Glass
Reflective Glass

Use Argon Gas:
YIHAI glass use the Argon Gas filled in the glazing layers in order to minimize heat transfer between the interior and exterior of the aluminum doors sacerswith assoiated sealans reused to keepthe laversofelazinethe correctdistance apart. naddiion.thevprovide acommodaionforthermal exansionand pressure dierenceswhile also preventing moisture and gas leaks. Tolower windowU -factor and signifcantly reduce condensation athe edge of aluminum doors.

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