lmpact Windows:
As a factory with 15 years of experience in manufacturing windows and doors, YIHAI have beenexporting hurricane windows to the Bahamas since 2009. The windows and doors have beenrecognized by our customers for their hurricane resistance. We are familiar with theperformance requirements and details of hurricane windows. Whether you are a wholesaleror a builder, you can buyimpact windows direct from YIHAI.
Hurricane lmpact Glass:
Glass is the most important factor that influence the impact resistant of a hurricane impact window, The glass used in impact windows is typically made ofsafety glass. The following are two types of safety glass used commonly:Laminated glass,Insulated laminated glass
Laminated Glass:
The most commontype of glass used in huricane protection windows islaminated glas,.This type of glass consists oftwopanes oftempered glas with a strong plastic interlaverbetweenthem.The interayer is made of chemicalcompounds such as PvB polyinylbutbyral. The PvB layer helpsin preventing the glas from shattering or breaking. evenif the glas isimpacted bystrong winds or flying debris. Moreover, this gilas also has the added beneft of providing extrainsulation and soundproohng:makingit a greatchoice for homes, ofces, andcommercial buildings. The following are some specifcations of laminated glass that are commonly used in hurricane windows:5+0.76 pvb+5 laminated glass – This type of glass consists of two lavers of5 mm glass bonded together with a 0,76 mm laver of plastic interlaver8+1.14 pvb+8 laminated glass – This type of glass consists of two lavers of 8mm glassbonded together with a 1.14 mm layer of plastic interlayer.
The thicknessofthe glass andtheinteraverwil depend onthe size ofthewindow as welas the level ofprotectionand perormance needed, for instance ifa window is located inanarea prone to hurricanes,it may require thicker glass and inter-layer than one located in an area with milder weather.

Insulated Liminated Glass:
Another type of glassthatisused in impact windows is caled “spandre” or “insuated” glas. This typ of glass consists oftwo panes of laminated glass with a layer of gas betwen themThishelps to reduce the amount of heat and sound that istransfered throughthe window,making it anideal choice for areas withextreme temperatures.The insulated aminated glassused in these high-impact windows and doors has the following specifcations:
10.76mm laminated+6A+5 mm- This type ofglassconsists ofa 10.76 mm layer of laminated glas,a6 mm air space filed withargongas, and a 5 mm layerof laminated glas.
17.14 mmlaminated+6 A+5 mm- This type of glass consists ofa 17.14 mm laver of laminated glass.a 6mm space fled with agongas, anda5mm aver oflaminated glass.
Besides these specifcations,the windows and doors may also have aditional features such as UV protection, tinted gas,and low-emisivty coatingto further improve their
performance and effciency.